Our Approach
In our community, ARC is the primary resource providing assistance in a timely manner.
- Results show that evictions and utility disconnections have diminished significantly.
- ARC’s continuing effort to provide dollars for car repair and gas have resulted in an increased number of clients obtaining and maintaining employment.
Our administrative expenses average 2%. $.98 cents of every $1.00 donated goes directly to serve those in need.
- By encouraging clients to make pay arrangements, do matching payments and access other available resources, we are able to stretch those 98 cents even further.
- The goal is to keep the client as an active participant in the solution while relieving the immediate stress of the situation.
ARC is the go-to financial resource organization that reliably provides assistance in our communities, all year long.
How ARC is Helping
ARC provided a fuel only gas card for a single mom of 3 to get to a job interview. Mom got the job! She then needed to go to orientation and drug testing. ARC continued to support mom with gas assistance until she received her 1st paycheck.
ARC helped a single parent household with a matching payment to get her windshield replaced after being shattered by hail.
ARC helped a mom-to-be with titling/registration of her vehicle. Time was of the essence as she had been accepted into a safe/supportive program near Milwaukee and they could only hold a bed for 3 days.
Working closely with RFMU, ARC was able to partner with several households by providing matching payments to remove them from the utility disconnection list. Thank you to the RFMU staff for your great customer service!
ARC paid a full month’s rent and half of the next month for a family of 4. Dad suffered a stroke and spent many days in hospital care and is currently waiting to be medically cleared to return to some form of employment.
ARC helped a single mom of 3 with a matching rent payment to help during her unpaid maternity leave.
ARC paid a portion of the electric and gas bill for a client who is on a fixed income and finds it very challenging to make ends meet. The client utilizes and is very grateful to the Food Pantry for helping stretch her grocery budget and for receiving energy saving tips and supplies from her utility provider.
ARC was contacted by a household hosting a family from Ukraine. ARC provided funds for clothing, personal care items, and gas for dad, mom, and a child, who will be attending school in the River Falls district. The host family was referred to ARC by the RFSD Social Worker.
With school back in session, ARC is excited to be providing help to students and their families through referrals from RFSD Social Workers. Great thought and care are put into how best to meet the need in a respectful and confidential manner.
ARC has helped 2 households with the purchase of vehicle parts. In one case a family member, and in another case a neighbor, had the ability and were willing to install the parts at no charge.
ARC is providing gas cards for an individual who is having a medical procedure at St. Paul Heart Clinic and will be required to have several pre-op and post-op visits. A family member will be her driver.
ARC helped a household on a fixed income with the cost of a co-pay and a prescription cost that is not covered under their health plan.
Working with River Falls Terrace Apartment Management, ARC was able to provide rental assistance to help 2 households which were facing eviction this month.
ARC is providing support for a single mom of two with her Xcel Energy bill and her State Farm Insurance bill. Mom is taking a class that will certify her to apply for a better position within her company.
ARC is helping a family of four with matching payments to RFMU. Both parents contracted Covid and missed several days of work.
ARC purchased a microwave for a family struggling to get on their feet. Without a vehicle, it is quite a challenge to obtain a job and to get to the food pantry. ARC also gave mom a taxi punch card to get to WI Jobs Center, Express Employment, and RF Food Pantry.
ARC is helping a family with vehicle repairs. The household can pay a portion and ARC will pay the remainder. A shout-out to the incredible repair vendors ARC works with. Mom is starting a job to bring in a much needed second income and needs reliable transportation.
ARC is helping a family with the past due portion of their RFMU bill. Both parents missed work due to Covid and were put in the difficult position of deciding which bill was going to be left unpaid.
ARC gave a gas card and grocery card to a client on a fixed income. The client was very complimentary and grateful to the Pierce County Food Pantry for all that they were able to provide. Just a bit more was needed to bridge the gap until the next visit. There was also an upcoming medical appointment in Red Wing.
A single mom of three reached out to ARC when the child support check did not arrive. She applied to WestCap a few weeks ago and is waiting for a response. The average response time is about 4 weeks, and the rent must be paid immediately to avoid eviction. Her family will find a way to pay half and ARC will pay the other half.
ARC paid for the cost of new eyeglasses for a client who was homeless and was guaranteed a job once he had the glasses. Thank you to River Falls Shopko for working with ARC.
ARC paid the cost of 1 week of childcare at Jacob’s Ladder so mom could continue working. Child’s father was responsible for the childcare cost but failed make the payment.
ARC paid for steel-toed work boots for a client who was able to start working the 2nd shift that very day. Thank you to Express Employment and WI Jobs Center for finding employment opportunities for those seeking work.
ARC bought an air conditioner for a single mom whose health issues are exacerbated by the heat.
ARC made matching payments for several households whose provider is RFMU. Pay arrangements set up with the client and ARC and approved and monitored by RFMU. That you to the amazingly patient representatives at the utility company.
ARC paid for a baseball glove and batting helmet so that the child of a client could participate in recreational ball.
ARC provides gas cards to a client who attends mandated aftercare meetings several times a week in Hudson. The client is doing extremely well, and ARC is honored to be a part of their journey to maintain sobriety.
ARC has helped 3 homeless clients with the purchase of tents and the cost of campground sites. Also, purchasing coolers, blankets, food, and personal hygiene items.
ARC purchased basic clothing items for 2 children when they were unexpectantly dropped off with their aunt. Mom was not able to provide a safe and healthy environment.
ARC continues to work closely with the RFHA to provide a hand-up to tenants who come up short with rent due to illness, job change, cost of living increases.